About Us
Unique Sister is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization based in Minnesota, United States of America. This organization was founded July 2015 by a few intelligent, self- motivated co-workers. The purpose of this organization is to provide assistance to under privileged children, the elderly youth in undeserved communities around the World and to create a sisterhood that is built on respect, Unity and love for all. We raise fund through voluntary work and donation to support our projects.

Our Resources
Real life
Areas we have volunteer:
Valley Fair
Second Harvest
Feed my Starving Children
North Point Food-Shelf, Health & Wellness Center
Feed my Starving Children
Our Gallery

Our Leadership Team
Korto Sumo, President
Dumalo Dennis, Vice President
Suah Cain, Secretary
Membership List
Kemah Dennis
Dumalo Dennis
Korto Sumo
Suah Cain
Nana Bartee
Meme Zarway
Hawa Enyiagu
Jessie Wallah
Isatta Sissako
Beatrice Joe
Tina Brewer
Yassah Keymah
Alice Tokpa
Josephine Tuah
Rachel Telkie
Evelyn Vowal
Janet Sendolo
Doris-Hawa Dukly
AC Morgan
Patience Karnuah
Massa Gray
Mardia James
Mardia Williams
Sanghay Massaley
Annie Daa
Florence Zeon
Edditor Benson-George
Del Johns
Vero Paibo
Olevia Yakhwenneh
Williamena Moore
Jartu Dorboryan